Ranking Signals To Float High On Search Engines


There are more than one billion websites on the World Wide Web and all want to attain higher rank on the first page of popular search engines. Google, the leading search engine in the world, evaluates every website based on several ranking parameters and allots them a position on its Search engine results page (SERP). Finding a place among the top 3 results is essential as most of the clicks on any search result go to these positions.

Your website must stay updated with the latest algorithm updates to rank high and gain more traffic. Studies have shown that well-optimized websites gain more traffic, generate qualified leads and add more customers to their database. A higher rank improves the reputation and credibility of a site and increases sales and revenue.

If you are not happy with the performance of your website and want to climb high on the pedestal of search engines and gain the attention of target audience, then it is recommended to hire the services of best SEO Company India. Best SEO experts India evaluate a website through different ranking parameters and suggest both onsite and offsite optimization techniques for higher ranking and improved visibility.

Important SEO Ranking Factors

  • Content quality is one of the important ranking factors to find a higher position on the pedestal of search engines. Informative, well researched and engaging content will boost your search engine rank and draw traffic to your website. Further, a 2000 word article stands a better chance of getting more traffic than 500-word content.
  • Inclusion of relevant keywords in the title tag of the web page can improve your web page rankings. Optimized content with relevant keywords holds valuable SEO power.
  • Page load speed is an important ranking factor. A fast loading website will get more traffic and revenue. On the contrary, a slow loading website will have fewer visitors.
  • Voice search, rich snippets and knowledge about search intent is vital to increase organic traffic to your website and find a place on the first page of search engines.
  • Your website should be responsive enough and must be mobile-friendly to attain the desired spot on search engines. Make sure that the content of your website matches identically on both mobile and desktop.
  • A well- structured website with better navigation features offers an opportunity to web crawlers to search every page of the website.
  • Improved user experience increases the number of page views. The amount of time a user spends on a particular website is a major ranking signal. Further, regular addition of content and optimization of Call to action will drive traffic to the website increasing revenue.
  • A secure website with HTTPS stands a better chance of getting a desired placement on the search engines results page.
  • On-page optimization factors such as Metadata, internal link structure and schema will assist your website to stand out against competitors.
  • And lastly, authoritative and relevant backlinks are a leading component to rank well and bring desired customers to your website.